Change Your Story, Change Your Life

50: Power Networking Secrets



MASTER YOUR FOLLOWUP What’s the missing ingredient that can double your sales? Followup. You may know what that is; you may think that you do it. But most people mess up their followup. Debbie Hoffman is the queen of followup. She mastered the process and became a high earning network marketer. Then, she created a proven system to help anyone in business skyrocket their sales. Debbie teaches you the real secrets of building business relationships, gaining trust, and winning loyal long-term customers and clients. Plus, you will relate to her story about making courageous choices to break free from the shackles of corporate life and redefine herself as an entrepreneur. BOOKS IN THIS PODCAST The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill DEBBIE’S FAVORITE QUOTE “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison CONTACT DEBBIE debbie@powerupyourfollowup.