Change Your Story, Change Your Life

203: Scary Story



SCARY STORY This episode is about a scary story that isn’t scary at all. In fact, it’s an exciting story if you choose to see what it’s really about. First, an important reminder. Tyrion Lannister, at the finale of Game of Thrones, says that people are not united by armies, gold, or flags. They are united by stories, and that there is nothing more powerful than a good story. The people who laugh at that statement don’t get how profound it is. Tyrion is saying that all of life is a magnificent story. Civilizations are built on stories. Think of the Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud. You will learn about three brilliant authors, all critical thinkers, who passionately articulate the message that the world we perceive with our senses is a made-up story, it’s an illusion that veils a powerful limitless reality behind it. These three people of higher consciousness are: Bruce Lipton, a biologist who wrote The Biology of Belief. The book scientifically explodes the idea that we are