Change Your Story, Change Your Life

209: Thoughts Are Things



THOUGHTS ARE THINGS Today’s episode is truly a game changing, story changing thing. You will learn why and how your thoughts are things; they are thought things. Thoughts are things is not just an analogy.  It is literal. A thought is as much a thing as a hot burning coal, a shard of glass, or a soft pillow. And, like things, thoughts affect your physical body. You’ll be amazed at what science is revealing about the power of your thoughts to create any reality you desire. Enjoy this adventurous exploration into the science history behind our views of the world and ourselves. Here are just a few of the mind expanding nuggets in this episode of Change Your Story, Change Your Life: 17th Century Beliefs – Our current view of the physical world and reality is based on the outdated thinking of Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia, written in 1687 17th Century Mind – Our predominant view of human consciousness is a hand-me-down from Rene Descartes’ idea that mind and matter are se