Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 272 : 6 Ways To Make Money On Instagram



MWH 272 : 6 Ways To Make Money On Instagram In this week’s episode, I’m going to answer a question I am asked very often... How do people make money on Instagram? And I’m going to share 6 leading ways people do so. LISTEN NOW Let’s be clear - when I say people are making money on Instagram, it does not mean that Instagram are paying these people. No... These people are using Instagram to market their business and attract new clients and customers. They’re also using Instagram to sell their offers.Girlfriend, did you know that 81% of Instagram users actually turn to Instagram to discover new products and services?Instagram is a place for direct sales. It is also a vehicle to driving people whom you attracted to knowing about you and following you - your perfect customers - to where your place of business actually happens. Like a physical store, restaurant, shop or to your website.Instagram is also the fastest growing social media platform and it has 1 Billion active monthly users. Being on Instagr