Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 265 : How To Start Building Your Email List With Instagram



MWH 265 : How To Start Building Your Email List With Instagram Instagram is not only for growing an audience, building a community and making direct sales from. It’s also a wonderful place for building your email list with high quality leads!Today, on the podcast, I’m going to be sharing 3 tips to grow your email list using Instagram traffic intentionally, with persistent consistency. LISTEN NOW Ladies, growing your email list with Instagram traffic is important because not everyone on Instagram is in a “ready to buy” phase in their customer journey. It’s your job, as the business owner / marketer, to move these people along. (Read here: 3 Simple Instagram Growth Tips From Established Business Owners.) Remember that we don’t really own our Instagram accounts, hence, we don’t own our social media following but we do own our email list.Even if social media platforms change, or in instances that your social media accounts are shut down (for various reasons), or your followers move to another p