Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 267 : How I Plan My Podcasts In 5 Simple Steps



MWH 267 : How I Plan My Podcasts In 5 Simple Steps I’m so excited to share with you today, my process when it comes to how I plan my podcasts for the entire calendar year! LISTEN NOW A lot of my ladies inside my Social Method Society have chosen podcasting as their core content medium. It’s their main way to show up and give deeper and richer contents to their audience. And I know so many of you have either have a podcast, or considering starting one, or maybe you’ve got one but you’re not publishing content consistently...Hence why I really want to share my 5 simple steps in planning my podcasts.Girlfriend, get a pen and a paper whilst you listen to this episode. These steps are really simple and you could literally take and implement them for your own podcast. You don’t need to be fancy, you just really need to get going!(Looking for content ideas? Listen here for 3 Types Of Content That Will Grow Your Blog or Podcast.)I hope you enjoy this one, my love. If you’ve got something out of this epis