Nicole Isler

Detox To Dream Big - Living lighter just took on a whole new meaning!



This isn t about calorie counting, quitting sugar or carbs or guilt trips. Because I don't go for that anymore than you do. I m not here to address your eating habits - in the way you might expect when talking about a detox. We are going to address the emotional junk food you feed your soul that is causing ongoing struggle at the soul level. You deserve healthy, organic soul food and you re going to get it during this show! While detoxing means eliminating this kind of detox helps you increase: Energy Self-worth Clarity Vitality Time Happiness Health Self-trust And the best part doing this detox will help you dig deep to make BIG steps in the direction of your dreams. Because all those gains above that you re getting as a result of this kind of detox are all the key ingredients you need to make your dreams come true. This show is about helping you break free from the negativity, self-doubt and stress that have loaded you with extra emotional and physical weight and frustration so you can fina