Ultimate Authorities Radio- Donna Gunter

Dr. Matt Kreinheder: Cancer is a Message



Today we're talking about a topic that many of us fear and hope that we never have to personally face. The big C word--Cancer. Cancer is a disease that has taken too many of my friends and relatives, and I happen to live in what's known as the "Cancer Triangle" here in Southeast Texas, so knowing someone with cancer almost an everyday phenomenon among those of us who live here.Today's guest, Dr. Matt Kreinheder, focuses on helping people with cancer create a consciousness so that their body can heal.About Dr. Matt KreinhederDr. Matt Kreinheder focuses on helping people with cancer create a consciousness so that their body can heal.Over the past five years of clinical practice as a Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and Coach Dr. Matt has helped people make deep connections with who they are. Using Reorganizational Healing, an approach integrating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sides of healing Dr. Matt has helped people heal and transform in ways they never expected.Dr. Matt has chosen to focus on hel