Bucci Radio

205: The Entrepreneurial Archetype™



Have you ever been really good at something but felt unfulfilled and out of alignment doing it? What do you find yourself wanting to spend most of your time doing? Do you notice what you’re doing when you feel in an easy stride of abundance and ease?  I have been working long and hard on an incredible project called the Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz™. This quiz will help you discover your unique archetype that will inform every single one of your business and social media decisions from here on out. You can create more success and fulfillment from your work, starting with this quiz. In this episode I discuss why knowing and learning your Archetype is important, and how you can utilize the results to leverage your own strengths and unique template in your business to continuously become your most aligned self.   TAKE THE QUIZ: Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz Important Moments: Amanda tells a story of her journey from 2014 to now [5:18] Amanda on the moment she felt the least fulfilled and knew she needed to m