4: Beyond Animal | Technology accelerates Impact Investing - with Claire Smith



In our latest episode we have the pleasure of speaking to Claire Smith, a vegan entrepreneur and impact investor who after 20 years has been able to merge her passion, ethics and career, into a business. Claire shares how she is on a mission to accelerate the transition to a sustainable ethical economy through her new online platform, Beyond Animal, which connects a wide pool of investors to a range of vegan companies, events and resources.   Claire explains how her experience as an investor helps her support impact businesses overcome the problems they face after their initial investment. She also witnessed the needed shift from passive investment to ethical investment, so created a platform to align with this, which speeds up human connection in a digital age.   We get valuable insight from this, investor turned founder, on what she looks for in impact companies and how essential putting together the correct team is; a team that doesn’t just align with the values of the company but lives them, because i