Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 262 : Our Family’s End-of-Year Gratitude Practice



MWH 262 : Our Family’s End-of-Year Gratitude Practice It’s the last episode of 2020! In this episode, we are going to talk about reflecting. Reflecting on the year that was, and tapping right into gratitude practice... I’m so thrilled that you are listening to this episode as I’m actually going to have a co-host. Someone who is super special to me. LISTEN NOW! I'm joined by my eldest son, Ethan! We’re sharing the things we are grateful for this year despite the challenges and also, some of our wins. I know it’s been a really challenging year (to say the least), but there is still something to be grateful for. It is really important that as we approach the end of the year, we’re not approaching it from that sense of, “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over, bring on 2021!”We should count our blessings more than we count our problems... and the end of the year is a really special time to do that.We’re a huge fan of doing this together as a family. Karl and I always did this practice together and now that