Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 260 : Make More By Doing Less



MWH 260 : Make More By Doing Less We’re almost at the end of calendar year and for a lot of us business owners, we are looking back reflectively at the year we’ve just had. I want to bring this episode to you cause it’s important that when you go about planning for the new year, it’s necessary to know that you can actually make more by doing less.What I want this share with you in this episode is about looking forward, and with it, comes planning new goals in your business. We’ve started talking about this inside of my Inner Circle Mastermind and with the ladies in my Social Method Society. LISTEN NOW! A lot of us tend to think that the way to make more revenue in our business is to take more on... Take on more clients, take on more stocks. But what I encourage you to do is slow down and think about, “How can I make more revenue without necessarily doing more in business? Without adding another layer of complexity or without adding another product?”(How to find “time” when you think you have none