Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 256 : 300 Followers And A Booked-Out Business with Kara Lehmann



MWH 256 : 300 Followers And A Booked-Out Business with Kara Lehmann I don’t know about you, but I love myself a good pivot story! When someone takes one set of skills, knowledge, expertise or experience from one kind of situation or one type of profession and repackages it to completely doing something brand-new. That brand-new thing is creating a new booked-out business!I love it when people take something that wasn’t previously online to then creating an online business or online way of serving through a new business. So cool!That’s exactly what we’re chatting about in the podcast today. LISTEN NOW! I’ve invited Kara Lehmann over on the Mums with Hustle podcast to share with us the pivot she did in her business. She’s the owner of Beauty Boss VA and a member of my Social Method Society. Her online business is quite new. She started around March this year, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.She’s here today to share how she’s started a new way of serving her audience. A Booked-out Busi