Joyce Barrie & Friends

101 Quantum Success Secrets - featuring author Ted Ciuba



Dr. Ted Ciuba is the bestselling author of The New Think And Grow Rich, the quantum modernization of Napoleon Hill’s monumental success classic, Think And Grow Rich. And with his blockbuster book, 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Ted has taken the concepts he began to articulate there to entirely new levels. While he was willingly aligning himself with the principles of the original as stated in Think And Grow Rich for the modernization, he suffers no such restrictions or designs on his writing, his teaching, his training, his creativity, or the benefit he brings in 101 Success Secrets. There are churches, study groups, pastors, and business people all over the world embracing this philosophy and using this book as their prime text. There’s athletes, students, and medical professionals finding in Ted Ciuba’s message as stated in 101 Quantum Success Secrets, the elusive key to quantum leaps of contribution, rewards, and quality of life. Join us as we delve deeply into what it means to go quantum in your person