Marni On The Move

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Discover the Superfood Infused Snack Bars That Will Fuel You For Success With Arshad Bahl, Founder Amrita Foods



FLASHBACK FRIDAY: We are bringing you conversations from the archives of Marni on the Move, every Friday! For the month of July, you will hear from a few of our favorite wellness guests, stay tuned. Arshad Bahl is the Founder + CEO of Amrita Foods,  the protein and energy bars that fuel my training and everyday life!  They  are delicious, packed with Superfoods and healthy ingredients like Quinoa, Chia Seeds Dates Coconut Oil, Sea Salt Maple Syrop, Cranberries, blueberries and more. They are dairy-free, gluten free, and vegan! Hear the inspiring story behind the brand on this episode of Marni on the Move. Arshad shares where his entrepreneurial journey began, his philosophy around food as medicine, healthy fueling for athletics and life, and he offers great career and business insight and wisdom on building a brand, direct to consumers sales, influencer marketing and more. What began when his son was diagnosed with autism and severe gastrointestinal issues at the age of two as a  gluten-free and dairy-free