Investing In Real Estate With Clayton Morris | Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

EP132: The Fed Just Increased Rates Again



Book a call with our team: This episode is brought to you by VTech. VTech’s new Small Business Phone System is the most affordable and easy 4-line phone system on the market. The VTech 4-Line Small Business Phone System components are available at Office Depo, Office Max, Staples, and The Federal Reserve just announced yet another raise in interest rates. Higher rates will make purchasing homes harder and more expensive for homebuyers, but what does this mean for real estate investors? On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, I’m discussing the three main ways that an interest rate hike directly influences real estate prices. I’ll share how to analyze how the rate will affect your purchases, and how investors can prepare for the future. Don’t miss it! “Investing in Real Estate has a laser focus on buy and hold rental properties in order to create passive income. Clayton shares tried and true methods for acquiring rental real estate, building net worth, and accelerati