

As buy and hold investors, it is typically our goal to keep all of our rental properties long-term. But occasionally, there are situations in which it makes sense to sell an underperforming or particularly exhausting asset. On today's show, we're letting you in on a conversation about a portion of our portfolio.   You're going to hear how an experimental package of rental properties has gone sour. We'll talk about some of the headaches we've experienced the past few years, and why we're considering selling these properties. Our intent is that this conversation will allow you to learn from our mistakes. Please join us for this episode of Investing in Real Estate!   Book a call with our team:   This episode of Investing in Real Estate is sponsored by LinkedIn! If you’re a business owner looking to grow your business, LinkedIn can help you find the right hires that can set you up for a strong year. LinkedIn Jobs screens candidates with the hard and soft skills you’re looking f