Wealth Coach William R. Patterson - Baronseries.com

Find Profit in Today's Historic Financial Crisis - Wealth Coach William R. Patterson



Wealth coach and best-selling author William R. Patterson appears on 1580 AM to discuss ways to profit and protect yourself in a recession. Show topics: (1) The worst financial crisis since World War II according to former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (2) The largest overhaul of the nation's financial system since the "Great Depression" proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson (3) The Fed bailout of major investment banks (4) Record high gas prices (5) Record high foreclosures (6) Spiking food prices (7) Resignation of HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson (8) Democratic Dodd-Frank Plan to provide as much as $300 billion to help borrowers at risk of foreclosure. For more information and coaching on THE BARON SOLUTION Strategies for Wealth and Business Success, visit http://www.baronseries.com/coaching.htm.