Share Your Drafts | Astawa Alam

Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs | A Panel Discussion



  What marketing strategies should you focus on when you’re just starting out? This was one of the questions that we were faced with last night on EDA York’s “Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs” Here are some of the key takeaways from my fellow panelists and I. 1️⃣ It's not always about pushing content. Engage in conversations. - Emily Focault 2️⃣ Study the app store to learn why those apps are successful. - Mahfuz 3️⃣ Build your portfolio for free to get started. - Hassan 4️⃣ Your brand is your most important selling tool. - Astawa What stood out to you the most from our conversation? Let me know! Once again, thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Share Your Drafts. If you learned something new from this episode, I would super appreciate if you left a rating, a comment, or just subscribed! See you soon.