Awards Insider: Craft A Killer Business Awards Entry

Your brand voice is uniquely yours; use it to stand out and be memorable



How you speak and how you write tells the world what sort of brand you are. If you are a young, fun brand, you should write and speak that way. If you are serious and you target professionals, then your communication style should reflect that. However, fun and young should not translate to poor language or grammar. Any piece of professional writing, whether an awards entry, a blog post or social media activity, should always respect the rules of grammar. And always think about your audience. If you’re writing a blog post for an industry specific audience, some jargon is ok. When you’re writing an awards submission, you don’t know that your judge knows your industry lingo. So be sure to speak in simple terms that anyone can understand. Your parents weren’t kidding when they told you to mind your language. Nor were your teachers. Language matters. The best entries are written in the first person and they use simple, jargon-free language and they have short, succinct sentences.