Awards Insider: Craft A Killer Business Awards Entry

Preparing for interview: how to completely captivate the judges



Your interview is your opportunity to really bring your submission to life. Would you rather read a movie script, or watch the movie? You’d rather watch the movie because you get a much stronger connection to the story when all of your senses are engaged. In your interview, you can use facial expressions, body language, eye contact and tone to add layers to your story. You get to show the judges your physical place of business and demonstrate how you connect with staff, customers and suppliers. Your customers make assumptions about your business based on how you project it visually, so too will the judges. Think about the impression your place of business will have on the them; will what they see and experience complement and enhance your application? Warwick Shanks has been the chair of the Illawarra Business Awards for 13 years, and he joins us to provide years of insight into what a great interview looks like.