Walking Papers

Responding to B******t Evaluations and Write Ups



The Walking Papers is a bi-weekly podcast by Van Kampen Law that aims to give listeners, who are on the wrong side of some situation at work, practical advice on how to turn the tables on their employers. In this episode entitled “Responding to Bullshit Evaluations and Write-Ups,” attorney Josh Van Kampen describes two typical scenarios when long-time employees often see employers using bullshit evaluations to terminate long-term employees for cause. Josh explains what a person should be doing if they receive a bullshit evaluation and why making sure previous evaluations are as positive as possible is often very important in deciding a case.sp Josh also talks about the ways an employee can dispute evaluations at several steps in a typical company and some tips on how employees can build evidence to combat a bullshit evaluation by seeking additional feedback from the manager and old managers or other business partners in the company that can help strengthen their case. In the weeks to come, Josh Van Kampen wil