CAM Matters with Betsy Barbieux

Why hiring a manager might be right for your community association



While some community association boards choose to handle the management responsibilities themselves, an increasing number are hiring licensed community managers to help keep the financial books balanced, handle compliance issues, make sure meetings are run properly, maintain common areas, and perform other important services. In this episode, Betsy Barbieux and Suzanne Lynn discuss the benefits of hiring a professional. FLORIDA CAM SCHOOLS – BETSY BARBIEUX, CAM, CFCAM, CMCA – CAM MATTERS Florida CAM Schools, LLC Condos, Coops, HOAs and Beyond! Florida CAM Schools, provides education and professional development to condo, coop, and HOA management professionals. We offer training for condo, coop, and HOA managers, board members, service providers by providing continuing education courses, CAM prelicensing classes, staff development workshops, follow up support, on-line resources, course materials, assessment tools, and coaching services. For more information on Florida communities, HOA community associations an