Adam Bean



33 years of Construction Experience Distilled into an 18:51 Podcast The 5D'S of Construction Management How You Use Tiny Changes To Make A Construction Project Safer & Even More Productive 00:00 ~ H.D. Thoreau said, “Simplify, simplify.” Ralph Waldo Emerson replied, “One ‘simplify’ would have sufficed.” 01:56 ~ Why systems are the key to creating better habits on Construction Sites. 02:26 ~ Why GANNT charts are a terrible system and are always WRONG. 04:00 ~ Decisions; The planning fallacy. Why we’re really BAD at planning. 06:07 ~ Direction; Why marketing and sales is the key to direction. 08:31 ~ Distraction; People don’t multitask because they’re good at it, they do it because they can’t focus. 10:46 ~ Data; “If you’re not careful how you interpret data it’ll tell you that playing basketball makes you tall” Chris Voss, Former Lead FBI Hostage Negotiator 14:06 ~ Denial; And I’m not talking about a river in Africa. 15:32 ~ How many times have you heard this in a planning meeting? 16:25 ~ Disruption; This