Alis In Dataland

Nate Sauder – Millennials, Mountains, and Machine Learning – [ALIS in Dataland, Ep. 04]



Nate Sauder – Millennials, Mountains, and Machine Learning– [ALIS in Dataland, Ep. 04] MOV37’s Founder and Chairman, Jeffrey Tarrant, takes time to speak with MOV37 Advisory Board Member, Nate Sauder, in Geneva, Switzerland. Nate’s background and involvement in machine learning development/deployment along with his unique perspective as a millennial within a scientist collective is discussed in tandem with the evolution and future of machine learning and artificial intelligence in general. Nate Sauder MOV37 Website – Twitter – @mov37ai Show Notes: 2:31 – Nate Sauder Background 4:43 – Tell us a little on what you were doing after [attending] Oxford; what was next? 6:01 - What broad conclusions do you have from that [work] experience? 8:06 - NS: …look back at Private equity being this sort of vehicle for bringing machine learning in to the real world. JT: And the private equity component that you’re talking about, it takes a long term to dev