Fcpa Compliance Report

Everything Compliance-Episode 2



This episode is dedicated exclusively to where FCPA enforcement, SEC enforcement, the compliance profession and compliance programs may be headed under the Trump administration, with a dash of anti-trust enforcement and EU Privacy Shield. Mike Volkov about where FCPA enforcement may be headed. We explore how FCPA cases are largely self-funded through company internal investigations which are turned over to the Justice Department. Volkov discusses funding and resources for the Department’s FCPA unit. He also touches on potential (or the lack thereof) of anti-trust enforcement going forward. For Volkov’s post, “A New Administration: A New FCPA Enforcement Regime?” click here. Matt Kelly leads a discussion on how the new administration may view the SEC going forward. He considers the announced resignation of SEC Chairman Mary Jo White and the appointment (and dismissal) of Kevin O’Connor from Trump’s transition team. Matt explains how Trump’s attacks on Dodd-Frank focus on easing rules for capital formation n