Fcpa Compliance Report

30 Days to a Better Compliance Program-Day 1



Welcome to Day 1 of 30 days to a better compliance program. Together with a podcast each day, I will be giving you tip to help you create a best practices compliance program in 2017. At the end of January, you will not only have a good summary of the basics of a best practices compliance program but information that you can incorporate into your compliance regime. Today I consider the various Tones in an organization. Any compliance program starts at the top and flows down throughout the company, which set the proper character for each level of your organization.  At The Top  Tone at the Top has become a phrase inculcated in the compliance world. The reason it is so important to any compliance program is because it does actually matter. So how can a company overcome these employee attitudes and set, or re-set, its “Tone at the Top”? I once had a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a client who described his role at the company as “the ambassador for compliance.” I can think of no better description of the role o