Cyber Law And Business Report On

The Battle to Free Raif Badawi with Brandon Silver



[Raif Badawi is a 34-year old Saudi activist, blogger and creator of the website Free Saudi Liberals. His writings called for greater religious tolerance in Saudi Arabia which is dominated by Wahhabi Islamic fundamentalists. (See CLBR Backgrounder: Saudi Arabia.) They include: Is Liberalism Against Religion? Liberalism provides all that is necessary for individual freedoms, as well as freedom of religion, without imposing upon the society the tutelage of a certain sect or tyrant. Religions, according to the concept of liberalism, are personal and special choices. A liberal country has no religion, which doesn’t mean it’s godless. It means it protects the rights of all the religions and nurtures all of them without distinction or upholding one over the others. It doesn’t apple-polish the majority’s religion over the minorities’. No to Building a Mosque in New York City Finally, it’s clear to observers that our Muslims in Saudi Arabia disrespect the beliefs of others. We consider them apostates. Those who