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CLBR #308: What the Kavanaugh Nomination Means for Tech with EFF’s Camille Fischer



[The Senate will begin hearings on D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court immediately after Labor Day. The nomination is mired in controversy after Republicans insisted in 2016 that it was improper to consider a nominee so close to an election and are now trying to push the nomination through without permitting a proper vetting of his record. The EFF’s Camille Fischer, Corynne McSherry and Shahid Buttar recently published “Questioning Kavanaugh About Digital Privacy and Net Neutrality.” Camille Fischer joins us to talk about the Kavanaugh nomination which the San Jose Mercury has called Kavanaugh’s nomination a “disaster for the technology industry and the users of tech products.” See Is Judge Kavanaugh a “Disaster” For Tech?, Cyber Report. Now, with Michael Cohen’s guilty plea implicating President Trump and raising questions about the legitimacy of the Trump presidency, Democrats have found a new line of attack against the nomination. I have canceled my meeting with Judge