Will Chou

How to Improve Personal Productivity Without Burning Out and Still Having Fun



“You control your time. Sitting and thinking may be a much higher priority than a normal CEO, who has all this demand and feels like they have to see all these people, [thinks]. It’s not a proxy of your seriousness that you fill every minute of your schedule.” –Bill Gates on what Warren Buffett taught him about productivity. Today, I want to share with you how to improve personal productivity without burning out. As hinted at by the quote, I’ve spent a few years studying the best in the world when it comes to time management. It turns out there are different paths to success. And some let you feel more relaxed and at peace. Bill Gates fills out every minute of his calendar. He even budgets a specific time for showering. Warren Buffett, on the other hand, has three or four tasks per month on the calendar he carries around. And it’s not because he’s light on tasks