Will Chou

How To Make Friends Without Having To Influence Them



How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is one of the only books that exist on how to make friends. And it’s wildly successful, selling millions of copies. But after reading the book and the reviews, I realized there were critical components on how to make friends that were missing. People complained about the following in the book: * Short-term manipulative tactics are used that can destroy your long term success with making friends. * Some of the tips are focused on ways of getting people to like you for business and networking, which is different from making friends because you’re encouraged to be someone other than your true self. * The tips to smile more, be nice, and be interested fail to account for the female gender. When women do this, it can be misinterpreted as a sexual advance and encourage harassment. * Pretending to be interested in something you’re not and being too agreeable can cause you to end up