Investing In Oil And Gas

# 14 - Drilling Permit Approved



We received a drilling permit to drill our oil. In Texas, the oil and gas industry is regulated by the Texas Railroad Commission. Whenever you want to drill a well, you apply to the Texas Railroad Commission and fill out what's called a Form W-1 and the title of the form is Railroad Commission of Texas Oil and Gas Division Application for Permit to Drill, Recomplete, or Re-Enter. Whenever you want to drill a well, you fill out this form W-1 and I submitted it recently and it was approved. It's just a simple, one-page form and, nowadays, you submit everything online, so you submit it electronically as opposed to on paper, but the form hasn't changed; it's been the same for years and years. It's just that now it's a PDF form instead of a paper document. I thought I would run through the form and just let you know what's on a drilling permit application. Actually, the drilling permit application and the permit itself are the same form. They simply take the application and add a few numbers to it to indicat