Cyber Law And Business Report On

The Volcanologist Taking on Trump and the GOP in 2018



[Over the years, CLBR has tried to provide insight from a tech perspective on upcoming elections. In 2014, when there was a vacancy in the Congressional District representing Silicon Beach we hosted a tech debate among the leading candidates. In 2016, we had a discussion of Engine’s Presidential Candidate Scorecard (for which Trump received an “F”) and provided a preview of the Presidential and Senate Primary for California. This year we are focusing on one race and one candidate, in particular, as being representative of a much larger trend that is of interest to the cyber community (i) promotion of science, technology and STEM education; (ii) net neutrality, (iii) privacy and cybersecurity; (iv) immigration and tolerance and (v) concerns over an increasing radicalization of the Republican Party in Washington and refusal to acts as a check on Trump. ca-25-jess-phoenix-for-congress-poster_large_fullsizeJess Phoenix represents a number of trends this election. She is one of over 300 women running for th