Note Mba

003: Note Inception and Post Foreclosure Eviction



Follow along as we briefly touch on three simultaneous timelines occurring on a Florida note Robby is working: 1) Evicting a former tenant via an unlawful detainer due to adverse possession 2) Purchasing title from an HOA post foreclosure 3) Dealing with a 2nd lien filed 1st in time. When you’re having trouble making contact with an occupant, try using a vacancy sticker to get the occupant to reach out to you.  This is a technique Robby implemented by having another member of his Tribe post on the property for him.  Realize that when you’re new to the note business all these “issues” are part of the 10,000 hours you need to put in to become an expert at something, and that when these “issues” cost you money you need to chalk it up as “Life Tuition.”  Changing how you evaluate note purchases as you see more scenarios and realizing there is an abundance of inventory in the marketplace and to be as conservative as you need to be.   We slightly digress around 18:45 regarding, but keep listening; there