Echoes From The Sky




A million mp3's later, and here I am, here I am.... Well, well, well, so where you been me lad? Funny you should ask cos me podcasts been set a while drift, thank goodness I not on piece rate else the hand that rocks the cradle be well bony and the cheeks be sunken like open sun roofed submarines.... Since the last upload, I graduated up 8 floors to (11) so I now eye2eye with Mother Nature as she spins electricity to the floor and wafts windy pops over your damp clothes.... I am also knee deep in the Valley of the smashed Dolls heads....which makes me flush back to the year that punk broke and the fever of A-Level art hahahaha...(I never got passed GCSE *slump) So I can flash back 16 years but when it comes to a list of untitled mp3's, me got a well rusty trombone purshin the pastry crumbs round me bread box, so I put me favourite un-titled songs in one bucket slop out***podcast, So in no particular order I give you.... Track 11 Track 31 and Track 15 I don't know who wrote or plays the s