Note Mba

142: Boots On The Ground And Note Expo



Boots on the ground is a phrase you're likely to hear quite a bit in the military and in real estate. And sometimes it hard to tell which group takes it more seriously. Boots on the ground is what we say in the real estate space when we're referring to having a solid group of referral partners in place in a particular area.  Boots On The Ground On a recent trip to Ohio I got the opportunity to establish some more boots on the ground contacts. Well, I tried at least. Before heading out we gathered some names of some local contacts to meet with during the time in Dayton. Some stood me up, others never got back with me. David mentioned on the show that they've had issues with flaky people in the area as well. The reason for the trip was to handle some recording issues we had with the county. Apparently the phrase, "the right hand not talking to the left" was invented in Dayton - or more specifically, Montgomery County. The issues we've had trying to get a deed recorded remotely for the past several months has be