Note Mba

012: Positive Developments And A Magical ROI Calculator



Unfortunately we are both playing a bit of catch up from an administrative perspective so we are going to miss out on NIS – Note Investors Summit, out in San Diego this week.  We’re sorry we won't be able to bring back any industry knowledge that I’m sure is being dished out during this event. Robby has officially made his first hire, which is a huge leap forward for his business and for the growth of NexGen Coastal Investments, LLC. With the hopes that this will free up some of his time from administrative tasks and give him the opportunity to teach the business to someone in a one on one environment. Stacey will be starting in two weeks; in the meantime, we are in the process of working out a good title for her position. We're definitely open to suggests. Last week we discussed an asset Robby owns that the borrower filed two consecutive Chapter 13 Bankruptcies on, though the borrower never filed a plan. Over the last week, the property went to auction and Robby’s company will take title to the asset.