Note Mba

132: Note Investing Due Diligence And Crappy Weeks



Note investing due diligence has been a huge focus for us recently. With the addition of David to the team, it's been important for us to get him on top of his due diligence game. This is where you have the chance to make or break the profitability of your business. It ins't a cliched saying for no reason, "you make your money on the buy, no the sell." Due Diligence Pro Updates For those fantastic listeners that use Due Diligence Pro there has been some updates to the app. If you use the software on Chrome, it'll update automatically. If you're a Safari user, you'll need to log back into the website and get the updated app. We received an email from a user of the app, and he mentioned wanting to see Wikipedia added to the list of sites used in the app. I've never thought to use Wikipedia for due diligence. So, I went a few days using it as I reviewed some assets this past week. The best I could figure was two different uses for Wikipedia. One would be for demographic data, and the second would be for isolatin