Note Mba

138: Note Investing Insurance



Note investing insurance can present some murky waters for a new - and experienced - investor to wade through. That's why we're talking with one of our favorite insurance service providers on this week's show. We've also had a ton of requests for this topic with all the hurricanes, storms and natural disaster happening in many states that we all invest in. Note Investing Insurance Mel Babtkis from Ross Diversified, joins us on today's show to talk all about the note investing insurance you need for your business. One of the major reasons I like the guys over at RDIS, is because they are note investors too. They understand the issue we encounter in the business, and helps us get the right coverage for numerous different scenarios.  Some of the items Mel touches base on are force placed insurance, CFPB compliance, how to make sure you're protected on an asset by playing FBI agent, and so much more. On the topic of force placed insurance, he covers all the CFPB lets for staying in compliance. This has led to an