Pixel By Pixel

Pixel by Pixel - Episode 92 - Our Active Reload Game is ON POINT



Pixel by Pixel is a weekly podcast about video games (most of the time) and...other things. It's hosted by Patrick Dees (@ptothedees),  Nick Long (@Nick_Long), Matt Ryan(@LaughinMan7), and Evan Endicott (@NotoriousEJE).   The Gears of War Ultimate Edition is out and if you’ve been tuning in Evan and Patrick have been more than excited about it for some time.  Does it live up to the hype?  Is Evan’s trash talk about his active reload game  for real?  We do a deep dive into the seminal Gears of War and how it has influenced game design for the better part of a decade. But before we get there we hit that MGS V hype, Konami as a whole, and Patrick loses his MIND discussing the Hitman Agent:47 movie. We round out Episode 92 covering off on some of the continued awesome emails that we’ve been recieving.  We get into our all-time greatest gaming achievements and what we’ve been disappointed with thus far in 2015 Again, your emails are incredible.  We love hearing from you and we cant thank you enough. Keep them comi