Better System Trader

032: Laurent Bernut discusses short selling, the importance of exits, insights into Bear markets, autotrading Forex and why complexity is a form of laziness.



Laurent Bernut was a systematic short seller with Fidelity for 8 years. His mandate was to underperform the longest bear market in modern history: Japanese equities. Prior to that, he worked in the Hedge Fund world for 5 years. He now runs an automated Forex strategy and travels the world with his family. In this episode we talk all about Short selling, creating shorting strategies, the challenges of implementation and how to manage risk. We also discuss the importance of exits, insights into Bear markets, autotrading Forex and why complexity is a form of laziness. Topics discussed The benefits of developing a strategy on the short side first and why long/short symmetry is important Challenges with executing short systems and solutions The most important aspect to worry about when short selling Finding short candidates in a Bull market and why you should ignore absolute performance Tips to creating profitable short strategies The importance of exits and how to test them Insights into Bear markets The 3 wrong