Dh Unplugged

DHUnplugged #700: Seven Hundy



Earnings season winners and losers. Episode 700 - been a great run - plenty more to come. New airline regulations and what that means to all of us. Inflation - its not over just yet. PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Click HERE for Show Notes and Links DHUnplugged is now streaming live - with listener chat. Click on link on the right sidebar. Love the Show? Then how about a Donation? Follow John C. Dvorak on Twitter Follow Andrew Horowitz on Twitter DONATE - Show 700 Campaign Warm Up - Show #700 - Guess the date of EPISODE #1 (Show # 1 was Sep 16, 2008) - - No Agenda episode  #1  - October 26, 2007 --- The Disciplined Investor Podcast show #1 -  Mar 02, 2007 - ALL economic series showing signs of inflation - The great money in God - Top Wealthiest Pastors - Fiducuary rules fo Retirment Plans Market Update - Shaking off some and smacking others - earnings season underway - April not a great month for US equities - April now in the books - Earnings seasons - winners and lo