Negotiate Anything: Negotiation | Persuasion | Influence | Sales | Leadership | Conflict Management

How to say NO: Nicole Walters' Guide to Negotiating Better Deals and Relationships



Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: In this gripping episode of "Negotiate Anything," host Kwame Christian engages with the incredibly dynamic Nicole Walters, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author, to explore the potent role of negotiation in ascending to the top. Nicole shares her personal journey, revealing how strategic use of the word "no" and maintaining a clear vision have been pivotal in her career. This conversation delves deep into real-life negotiation scenarios, uncovering valuable insights on dealing with high-pressure situations and the nuances of making crucial career decisions. Listeners will be treated to Nicole’s compelling storytelling about her negotiation experiences in both the corporate world and entrepreneurial spaces. Topics Covered: - The strategic importance of saying "no" in negotiations - Balancing personal vision and opportunities in career advancement - Nicole Walters' real-life experiences