The Twenty Minute Vc: Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20Product: Sequoia's Product-Market Fit Framework | Why the Best Product People Actually Build Less Product | Metrics 101, Good vs Great Product Strategy and more with Vickie Peng, Product Partner @ Sequoia Capital



Vickie Peng is a Product Partner at Sequoia and the co-creator of Arc, their company-building immersion programme for pre-seed and seed stage founders. Prior to Sequoia, Vickie was a product manager at Polyvore (acquired by Yahoo for $200M) and Instagram, where she grew SMB advertising from $200M to $1BN. In Today’s Episode with Vickie Peng We Discuss: Lessons from 15 Years in Product How did Vickie make her way into the world of product? How did Vickie turn a small side business into a massive revenue machine at TrialPay? How did Vickie scale Instagram SMB ads to $1BN? What were her takeaways? What was Vickie’s business model at Polyvore that eventually led to the $200M acquisition by Yahoo? Lessons from Scaling 100+ Companies in Sequoia What does Vickie believe are the biggest mistakes early stage founders make when telling stories? Which 2 components does Vickie believe every great product mission should include? How should pre-product-market fit founders set their north star metric