F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore

Mastering Real Estate Contracts Ep. (859)



In this new Real Estate Agent Training Series Pt. 9, we shall discuss how crucial it is to Learn and Master the ins and outs of your contracts. This is a must-watch for every new real estate agent aiming to dominate their market: from learning contracts and addendums to mastering counter offers and request for repairs, every aspect of the transaction process demands attention. My advice? Don't just memorize the contracts; understand them deeply. Break down each paragraph into simple, easy-to-understand statements, ensuring you can explain them to clients effortlessly. Remember, the key to success lies in continuous learning.  Spend at least 20 to 30 minutes daily familiarizing yourself with contracts and transaction phases. Whether you're drafting buyer offers or reviewing disclosures, aim for efficiency and proficiency. Additionally, knowing your properties inside out is non-negotiable. Prioritize pre-listing inspections to address any issues upfront, ensuring a smoother selling process and minimizing the ri