Foster Web Marketing Podcast

7 Steps to Hiring ONLY Superstars



Most people don’t know who they should or should not hire—they just go with the applicant who has education and experience, or they’ll go with their gut feeling. More than anything, most hiring decisions are based on enthusiasm.  This can be a toxic pattern! Are you hiring people because you have a really good feeling about them, or are you hiring people that will work well in their position AND with the rest of your team? It can be really difficult to know if you’re making smart hiring decisions. For most employers, they only really know if they’ve made the right decision once the new employee prospers or fails! Jay Henderson has a 7 step system that will help create a team with the skill sets that balance each other out. Check out the podcast recording to learn more about Jay’s “secret sauce” and you can be confident in your hiring decisions. When hiring a new employee, your job is to collect as much data as possible and remove all emotion. Jay can help you figure out the best way to collect that data and h