Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

015 Taking Control & Starting Your Own Business - Angela Mastrogiacomo from Muddy Paw PR



Music blogger turned entrepreneur Angela Mastrogiacomo discusses why she chose to follow her passion by starting her own business (Muddy Paw PR) and travelling city to city organizing music industry meetups. Long episode description: I was so excited to talk with Angela Mastrogiacomo for this episode because her story instantly clicked with me. It’s actually kind of cool how I connected with Angela. As you know from listening to my podcast episode with my husband Josh, he’s a freelance audio engineer and a big part of his job is to network in hopes of finding his next gig. Well, he started going to this one industry meet-up called Balanced Breakfast and guess who created the whole darn thing — Angela. He came home after his first meet-up and told me that Angela would make the perfect guest for my podcast. Considering she’s a music blogger and started her own PR company at a very young age, he was bang on the money and I contacted her soon after. In this episode, we talk about a lot of different things but mai