Nicole Bremner

WEALTH: Is property investment *really* for everyone? A £700k portfolio but no home means time for a rethink #149



EP149: CASE STUDY - Property investment is often touted as the holy grail toward financial freedom. Courses are sold and many are living this perceived glitzy lifestyle thanks to their "passive income" from property. But what about if it is your property portfolio that's holding you back from living your best life or even worse, is pushing you toward financial ruin? Here I  share with you a case study of my client Barbara, name and details changed of course. What I suggested might shock you. It shocked her. I was surprised too. Ultimately the numbers don't lie. We're looking for more case studies. If you would like a complimentary review of your portfolio, anonymously or live, get in touch at HOSTED BY: Nicole Bremner is an investor, certified financial coach, nutritionist, author and mum-of-three. In 2009, having had a successful career in financial services, like many women who take a ‘career break’ to have children, she found herself at a crossroads, no