Everyday Entrepreneur With Cornelius Mcgrath

#25: Are You Ready to Uproute? — Travel Advisor Sam Viola



CHICAGO, IL  — My guest today is Sam Viola, Founder of Uproute Travel. I first met Sam three years ago during a hot summer’s day in Chicago, watching the England vs USA women’s semi-final at Cleo’s Pub in West Town. The blue sky quickly turned to rain, and I invited Sam and his two female chaperones (who turned out to be his sisters) under the umbrella for shelter. We got chatting, and the rest is truly history. Almost three years later, Sam and I have become incredibly close friends and partners to each other on and off the field. Sam came into Breakouts III in January of 2021, crushed it, landed his first client off the back of Demo Day, and recently completed his year-long School Fellowship. A year on from Demo Day, Uproute Travel is a reality. Not just an idea. And Sam is no longer stuck behind a Zoom screen but rather travelling to a new country each month. I am incredibly proud of his progress and was blessed to get some time to sit down with him to reflect on this fantastic journey during his three wee