School For Startups Radio

February 12, 2024 - Video in Education Vishal Shah and Lead Like a Genius Melanie van de Velde



Vishal Shah – CEO of Screencastify Having the grit and the thick skin to not take many knows as the answer or to take a no and figure out how to continue is the key to all of entrepreneurship. I truly believe that there is no problem that is unsolvable. I disagree with the ‘fail fast’ catch phrase. Vishal Shah is CEO of Screencastify, the leading company helping teachers and students be more effective through Video. He is a software entrepreneur, builder and investor. Previously, I have Co-Founded LearnCore, which was acquired by Showpad and co-founded non-profit tech co-working space, Catapult Chicago, which joined with 1871. Established in 2016, Screencastify is the leading end-to-end video creation platform that makes recording, editing, sharing, assessing, and viewing video more simple for everyone. Tens of millions of people in more than 190 countries use Screencastify to record and edit on-demand video. Used in education, business, and for personal creation, Screencastify provides an accessible way fo